Monday, October 27, 2008

Demonstration is being planned

I am forwarding a copy of the e-mail I received regarding working together to lobby government about the issue of windmills, transmission lines, Concerns about the health effects of living close to wind turbines and high voltage power lines, concerns about power lines next to the Confederation Trail, concerns about the impact all of this is having upon our environment, and concerns about land values. A demonstration is being planned for the day the legislature opens.. November 12th. I think this is a prime opportunity for all concerned to demonstrate opposition to what is happening.

All those who are interested in participating in this initiative, please respond to this e-mail. In order for this to be effective, numbers are needed and the message has to given in a respectful, organized manner.

Have a great day! Emily

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trail Power Meeting

Last Nights meeting was a called to plan the coalitions next action steps.

The meeting focused on expanding the network and coalition base.
Building up Island Trails support by networking and through email distribution and engaging communities to
help in any way they can.
Connect with Prince Edward Island community groups and associations.

We spoke about the next steps with the province .

1. legal

* Planning Act(The abandoned railway land committee)
* Environmental Act(Confederation Trail)
* Trails Act(connection to community process)

2. Support for meeting between Island Trails and the Premiere to discuss:

* How Island Trails and the Ten point plan work together

* Seat at policy table re: Confederation Trail and Community input
* Policy development
* Recommendations by Island Trails re power transmission
* Development of a community process for future development .
* Island trails planning process

"Folks we need people who understand the scope of this provincial power strategy and it's impacts on the community."

lets get the word out to our networks "We need to connect with all community groups and organizations that have supported the Confederation Trail and the value it brings to their communities."

We are building a list of projects and resources that have gone into the building of the trail.Ideas and suggestions are welcome immediately.

Community actions are needed that reflect Island Trails and the mission it serves to Prince Edward Island.

We are looking for ideas that reach all Islanders.

* Photo/film Contest -
* Community Walk Abouts
* Social Networking/Bulletin Boards
* Letters and Emails (that support a sit down with the premiere to hash this out and come up with a suitable solution.)
* Blog and blog more using keywords "Confederation Trail Coalition"
* Tell your best friend about what's going on with The Confederation Trail
* Know that a little goes a long way and we can fix this problem by working together.
* We need you and your ideas now.

Have a great day.

Planning Meeting. Confederation Trail Coalition

The meeting lasted 1 hour and our discussion focused upon gathering support from existing organizations.
Over the the next week we will be gathering names of organization that support our community action on Power lines and the construction underway.

Also a meeting with the premiere is in order to discuss the ten point plan and in particular where the existing project fails to comply with this plan .

What plan did this project follow in it's planning stages for the community to be understood and it wishes followed?

There are very important questions that need to be addressed concerning how this project was allowed to take place on the Confederation Trail without proper protocol being followed.


Friday, October 17, 2008


a-17.pdf (application/pdf Object)

(2) Where the Minister, after consultation with the Advisory Board,
has reason to believe that
Examination of
resources (a) particular land contains a site of prehistorical or historical
archaeological significance; and
(b) the site is likely to be altered, damaged or destroyed as the result
of development or other activity,
he may, by order published in the Gazette,
(c) direct a site survey or site investigation, or both; and
(d) direct that the development or activity be suspended in whole or
in part for a period not exceeding six months to enable a site survey
or investigation to be conducted.
(3) Where a site survey or investigation is directed pursuant to an order
under subsection (2), the person conducting it shall proceed with all
reasonable speed and in such a manner as to cause the minimum
interference upon the site. 1987, c.4, s.8.

Heritage Places Protection Act:

Heritage Places Protection Act:

The provincial legislation allows for places to receive registration or designation as a heritage place. Designation is the higher level of recognition and provides legal restrictions on changes to the landscape or to the architectural heritage defining elements of the place.

Nominations for the Register of Heritage Places are reviewed and evaluated by the Heritage Places Advisory Board using criteria including age, architectural style and design, integrity, exterior condition and historical associations.

The Railway Turntable was built between 1905 and 1906 near the end of the Montague Spur of the PEI Railway to improve the efficiency and reliability of the Railway. Railway engine cars would be turned on this structure rather than having to back up. This is the last remaining turntable in Prince Edward Island, a reminder of the important role played by the railway in the province’s transportation history. The turntable is in good condition and occupies a very prominent location on Montague’s waterfront.

Planning Act (application/pdf Object)

mun_welling_op.pdf (application/pdf Object)

1.7 Plan Content
The Planning Act, R.S.P.E.I., 1988 Cap P8. Requires that an Official Plan shall include:
• a statement of economic, physical, social and environmental objectives;
• a statement of policies for future land use, management and development,
expressed with reference to a specified period not exceeding fifteen years;
• proposals for its implementation, administration and the periodic review of the
extent to which the objectives are achieved.

Suez anticipates completion of 99 megawatt wind farm

End of 2008 - Suez anticipates completion of 99 megawatt wind farm begun earlier in year, with nine megawatts for Summerside utility and 90 megawatts intended for export use.

Question: Will this project respect the The Confederation Trail and the Planning Act and the trails Act on Prince Edward Island.?