Friday, October 17, 2008


a-17.pdf (application/pdf Object)

(2) Where the Minister, after consultation with the Advisory Board,
has reason to believe that
Examination of
resources (a) particular land contains a site of prehistorical or historical
archaeological significance; and
(b) the site is likely to be altered, damaged or destroyed as the result
of development or other activity,
he may, by order published in the Gazette,
(c) direct a site survey or site investigation, or both; and
(d) direct that the development or activity be suspended in whole or
in part for a period not exceeding six months to enable a site survey
or investigation to be conducted.
(3) Where a site survey or investigation is directed pursuant to an order
under subsection (2), the person conducting it shall proceed with all
reasonable speed and in such a manner as to cause the minimum
interference upon the site. 1987, c.4, s.8.

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